News Corp (NWS.A) Chart Analysis
As of this date, Cramer is bullish on this stock. However, the monthly chart shows potential stallout. We have a potential 3 wave pattern into PRZ. While the monthly chart does not show a clear sell pattern in place yet, the weekly chart does.
There is a clear sell pattern in place based on my trading system.
We have an ABC corrective wave to test the high, making a double top with a sell pattern in place. Current support is now broken, with a downside gap to be filled. Let's see if "old support becomes new resistance for further downside action. We also had a small blue ice failure pattern that triggered the recent selloff. IF the 89sma at $18.00 does not hold, THEN next level to look for support is $17.30ish. I will wait for a clear buy signal to buy this.
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